School District - Move Before the School Year (6x9)
Seller: PropertyRadarParents of young children often target moves into neighborhoods within high-performing school districts. Reach out to prospective homeowners by creating campaigns within poorer-performing districts, advertising the opportunity to move and get settled prior to the start of the next school year. This allows for easier transitions for school-age children and more streamlined enrollment.
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- Date added:June 19, 2024
- Type:Direct Mail Template
- Purchase times:3
- Investor
- Realtor
- Commercial
- Property Management
- Roofer
- Solar
- Lender
Reviews (0)
School District - Move Before the School Year (6x9)
School District - Move Before the School Year (6x9)
Parents of young children often target moves into neighborhoods within high-performing school districts. Reach out to prospective homeowners by creating campaigns within poorer-performing districts, advertising the opportunity to move and get settled prior to the start of the next school year. This allows for easier transitions for school-age children and more streamlined enrollment.
- Industry:Realtor
- Date added:June 19, 2024
- Type:Direct Mail Template
- Purchase times:3