Construction - Renovation Contractor New Homeowners (6x9)
Seller: PropertyRadarNew homeowners may be interested in renovation or remodeling to make their new house feel more like home. Be the first one to reach out to them by name at their new address!
- Industry:
- Date added:October 9, 2023
- Type:Direct Mail Templates
- Purchase times:16
- Investor
- Realtor
- Commercial
- Property Management
- Roofer
- Solar
- Lender
Reviews (0)
Construction - Renovation Contractor New Homeowners (6x9)
Construction - Renovation Contractor New Homeowners (6x9)
New homeowners may be interested in renovation or remodeling to make their new house feel more like home. Be the first one to reach out to them by name at their new address!
- Industry:Commercial
- Date added:October 9, 2023
- Type:Direct Mail Templates
- Purchase times:16